Refaquin Hydroquinone 4 Tretinoin

1 review
  • Netto: 15g
  • Packaging: Box, Aluminium tube
  • Manufactured: SDM
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SKU: RFQ4CRM Category: Brands: Refaquin
Reviews (1)

Refaquin Hydroquinone 4 Tretinoin

Refaquin Hydroquinone 4 Tretinoin is a product Containing Corticosteroids, tretinoin, and bleaching agent, it is not indicated for melasma treatment. Following the achievement result of treatment, it may be continued with another treatment as the replacement of Refaquin cream, since melasma may recurrent after Refaquin discontinuation.

Avoid sun exposure, apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or ulore, wear umbrella, hat, and do not consume hormonal family planning pill, in case of so consume.

For discrete areas of hyperpigmentation, hydroquinone should only be applied to areas of discolouration and not the entire face. Your doctor will advise whether to use it locally or over a wider area.

Hydroquinone and Vitamin C: It is possible that the use of both hydroquinone and vitamin C together can work to reduce sun damage. While vitamin C protects the skin from damage, hydroquinone penetrates layers of the skin to remove signs of prolonged hyperpigmentation.

Do I need to apply moisturizer after hydroquinone?
Most cosmetics, sunscreens, and moisturizing lotions may be worn over this medicine. Wait several minutes after application of this medicine before applying them.



  • Hydroquinone : Depigmenting agent.
  • Tretinoin : Ceratolytic.
  • Fluocinolone Acetonide : Anti-Inflammation.
  • Refaquin cream contains hydroquinone as depigmenting agent and may disturb one or more tyrosinase track Series in melamine synthesis.

Packaging: Box, Aluminium tube 15gr

Manufactured by: SDM

  1. Ivan Jes

    Item was in excellent condition! Great price and quick delivery. ????

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